Flap, Flap, Swoop! You roll your film through the camera, as you crouch in the rustling bushes. You and your partners have just been hired by National Geographic.
You have been selected to go on a fact finding mission to help the owls!
National Geographic wants you to create a fact sheet for their magazine about owls. Your fact sheet will help the editors at National Geographic write a story about the owls that not only include facts about them but also talks about how we can help protect them.
The Task:
You and your group will use owl sites on the Internet and other resources to find the answers to various questions and learn about the owl of your choice. When you have finished your research and fact sheet, you will create a presentation to share. You will teach your class how your owl looks, lives, and eats.
As you have just learned, you and your partners have the exciting job of creating a Google Slide Show using your Chrome books for National Geographic. When you are finished, you will create a presentation using information from your fact sheet. You will share your findings with your class.
In teams of three, you will need to research which owl you would like to study.
Then use the internet to find the information you need.
- Write down your findings on a piece of paper so you can share the information with your group members.
- Gather with your group, share, and discuss the information collected by other members.
- Add the information to your slide show. You will need 7 pages.
- Remember, you can use any materials available to you.
- Have fun!
Try the following sites or use books you find as resources.
When you are finished with the Web Quest , please make sure you have answered the following questions on a separate slide:
1. What is their habitat?
2. What does this owls eat?
3. When do they hunt?
4. What are their predators?
5. What do they look like?
6. What is the population of this owl?
This is what each team fact sheet must include:
1. A title (OWL NAME)
2. Your names
3. At least 3 pictures of your owl (each student should find one).
4. Answers to the 6 questions above on a NEAT sheet of paper and add that information onto your Google Slides.