Monday, May 23, 2011


You have been chosen to be an insect expert at the World Famous Insect Museum.  You will be giving a speech on your insect choice, but first you must gather information.  Have FUN!!!

Please do ALL these Activities:

Study insects by looking at parts of their bodies.   

Look at some pictures of the insect you are researching. Draw and color a picture of the insect you have chosen.

Be able to tell where insects live.

What does this insect eat?  Write it in your insect journal.

How does this insect grow (complete or incomplete metamorphosis)? Printout this insect and put it in your insect journal.

What do all insects have in common?  Watch the BrainPOP video and write the answer in your journal.

Watch some insect videos and get to know this insect better. 

Make an insect using clay and recycled material from around the classroom.

Share your bug research with your classmates.  REMEMBER you are the insect expert.  Use your notes from your journal to give a speech.

Lastly, you and your classmates will go on a bug hunt.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dinosaur Mural and more....

We have been learning all about these fascinating creatures from long ago. For instance, we can tell you which dinosaurs were bipedal and which dinosaurs were quadrupedal. We can tell you the difference between a carnivore and an herbivore. We can also tell you what a sauropod is and what paleontologists study. Ask a second grader to educate you about these extinct animals!

We worked so hard on this mural, we are ver proud of it!